Frequently asked questions




Returns / Returns

1st order

How can I order a product?
As soon as you have decided on a product and color, you can add the desired item to your shopping cart. To do this, simply click on the Add to shopping cart button. Items in your shopping cart will only be reserved for you after you have completed your order.
Can I cancel my order?
If you have ordered the wrong item or have changed your mind at short notice, you can still cancel your order within a limited period of time. If your order has not yet been dispatched and has not yet been processed, you can have your order canceled via our customer service.
How safe is shopping at PAXSON?
Shopping at is extremely secure. We use the latest technologies to protect our website. Here's what we do for your security: Our website is protected by with a firewall against all attacks. In addition, SiteLook scans our site daily for security holes, viruses and other risks and closes and deletes them immediately. 

Our website has been certified by TrustedShops. TrustedShops checks that all processes and procedures on the website comply with the law. TrustedShops also protects you as a customer and offers you to insure all your purchases with us. 

We use a 256-bit SSL encryption from the company GeoTrust. Our check out and payment pages are encrypted using this method. You can find more details in our privacy policy and in our terms and conditions. 

2nd delivery

Are the goods shipped from Germany?
Yes, all our products are stored in Germany and shipped from Germany.
Which shipping service provider do you use?
All orders are shipped worldwide with DHL, UPS and GO Overnight. Custom-made products, bulky goods and very exclusive goods are sometimes also shipped directly by a courier service or UPS.

Orders are delivered Mon. - Sat. between 8 am - 7 pm.
When will I receive my order?
The current delivery time can be found on the respective product page.
How high are the shipping costs?
You can find the current shipping costs here: Shipping
Which countries do you deliver to?
We deliver to most EU countries as well as Switzerland, Great Britain, Canada and the USA.
How can I track my delivery?
As soon as we have dispatched your order, you will receive a tracking ID with the confirmation email. You can use this to track your order on the website of the shipping service provider.
Customs processing
If a delivery is to be made to a country outside the EU, the recipient must handle the import in the destination country himself. Any customs duties are the responsibility of the recipient.

3. payment

What payment methods do you offer?
PAXSON & CO. offers payment via PayPal. If you select payment via PayPal, you will be forwarded directly to PayPal at the end of the order process. If you are already a PayPal customer, you can log in there with your user data and make the payment. Are you new to PayPal? Then you can log in as a guest or open a PayPal account and then confirm the payment. We will usually receive your payment within a few minutes and your order will be processed immediately. Please note that you are agreeing to PayPal's terms and conditions and thus accepting PayPal's processes. 

Credit card: 
PAXSON & CO. currently offers payment by VISA, MASTERCARD and AMERICAN EXPRESS. Data is transmitted via a PCI-certified security server. Payment by credit card is free of charge for our customers and offers a quick and easy alternative to prepayment. For a successful payment, please follow the instructions during the payment process. After a successful transaction, you will receive a confirmation email and the goods will be dispatched. Your credit card account will be debited upon completion of the order.

If you select the payment method "Sofortüberweisung", a browser window will open during the order process which will forward you directly to Klarna's secure payment system. Please follow the instructions for a successful and secure payment from this point on. For the Sofortüberweisung payment method, you need an online banking account from your bank and the corresponding Tan Codes. Registration with Sofortüberweisung is not necessary. You can check whether your bank participates in Sofortüberweisung on the following page: 

Payment by invoice
In cooperation with Klarna, we offer you purchase on account as a payment option. 

Apple Pay: 
Apple Pay makes shopping in our online store particularly quick and easy, because you pay via iPhone and co.: thanks to Apple Pay, you don't have to fill out any forms or create a customer account when shopping online with your iPhone or iPad. After you have entered your credit information once via your Wallet app, simply select Apple Pay as the payment method in the checkout process. You then confirm the payment effortlessly and securely via Face ID or Touch ID. On your MacBook Pro, you confirm your purchase using Touch ID on the Touch Bar. If you are using a MacBook or a Mac without Touch Bar, your iPhone or Apple Watch will take over the ID process. Please note that all devices use the same iCloud accounts and you must first activate payment on your MacBook or Mac in your Wallet app. Please note the information on compatible devices. 

Google Pay: 
Google Pay makes shopping in our online store particularly convenient, as you can pay directly with your smartphone or Chrome browser. To use Google Pay you need: a smartphone with the Android 5.0 operating system or newer a Google account, the Google Pay app on your smartphone a credit card from one of the banks that cooperate with Google and that has been successfully added to your Google Pay app. 

During the ordering process, you will be redirected to the website of the online provider Amazon before completing the ordering process in our online store. In order to complete the order process via Amazon and pay the invoice amount, you must be registered there or first register and legitimize yourself with your access data. There you can select the delivery address and payment method stored with Amazon, confirm the use of your data by Amazon and the payment instruction to us. You will then be redirected back to our online store where you can complete the order process. Immediately after placing the order, we will ask Amazon to initiate the payment transaction. The payment transaction is carried out automatically by Amazon. You will receive further instructions during the ordering process.
Do you charge fees for credit card, invoice etc...?
We do not charge any fees for the payment methods offered. Can I save my credit card details? Yes, you can save your credit card details during check out. The data is stored as an encrypted token on the high-security server of our payment provider. No payment data is stored on our web server at any time.

4. return shipment / returns

How can I return my order?
Returning an order is very easy at PAXSON & CO. Simply follow the instructions on this page: Returns/Returns where you will also receive the return label.
When will I receive my credit note?
You will receive your credit note in the same way as we received your payment, unless otherwise agreed with customer service. Payment of the credit note will be posted to you immediately after receipt of the returned goods. This can take up to 14 days.
Is it possible to have a return picked up?
Yes, if you are unable to drop off the parcel at a post office or DHL station, simply contact our customer service and we will organize collection for you. Please note that collection is only possible on working days between 8 am and 6 pm.
What do I do if I have lost my returns label?
If you have ordered your return online, a return label has been sent to you by email. Search for this email in your email program. If you have deleted the email, you will also find the return label again in your customer account under Orders. If you do not have a customer account, please contact customer service.